Page name: Eminem SUX [Logged in view] [RSS]
2004-12-30 00:46:40
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Page Owner{s} :[Zacks Pixie Bitch]

(Okay people get it threw ur heads! [Katie love Casey] doesnt own this page! I do! lol but shes my best friend so yea but stop messaging her about this page for real its tickin her off THANKS) From [Katie love Casey]: people of the 619 clan or any other eminem likers stop trying to get the FUCKING pass from me! you will NOT get it and i WILL make you look like immature assholes who can't do any real damage anyway

I used to not have a password on this page but eminem cock smokers decided to fuck my page up so i put one on but anyway the follow people are fuckin faggets that love the master fag...(F)eminem
[Mitsubishi Eclipse GSX]

Comment from [Katie love Casey] : told u guys not to mess with this wiki and u didn't listen, quit bashin us cuz we have different opinions than u

If i were u i wouldnt want my name up here so dont fuck with me stupid bitches oh and even if u dont fuck with me ...if i no u like eminem...ur names goin ^^up there^^

1 [Zacks Pixie Bitch] That fuckin pussy cant rap worth a shit and should FUCKIN BURN

2[Katie love Casey] It's not eminem with the name slim shady it's his dick. Wanna kno why? PENCIL PENIS!


4[lucetgirl] like i said Lil' jackbutt cant do nofink I hate feminem

5[♥ Italian Women Can Get You in Trouble] That guy is a fucking pretty boy softass ... guy. lol

6[dreams of pain]-Hes a white dude tryin to rap like a black dude and it dont fuckin work 

7[Forget to forget me.]FUCK YOU "Feminem" your a pussy ass white boy and you need to shut that fukin black wannabe mouth!!

8[Doober]This fag just sux the dog penis

9[Yngwie can't touch this™] Talking fast and swearing alot doesn't take talent

10[*_* Smiley on Ecstasy]

    Yeah yeah there were other members but someone fucked with my wiki so im not givin the pass word out to anyone anymore so just message me and i will join you (FUCKIN EMINEM LOVIN CUNTS !)

11[Brookes Sexy Juggalo]eminem can go sux his daddys dick and then him and dre and who ever else is with shady records can have a bigg orgy
juggalo for life


13[Paul Dean]Slim anus gets it from Dr.Gay

14[Love me. Hate Me. I'm still on UR mind.]i hate that lil cock sucking white trash raping bitch he needs to get over the fact that he aint black and well he fucking sux ass!

15[Lord Sky_Elf]all i can say is Feminem is the biggest dick licken cock sucken son of a bitch i have ever seen. If i ever seen him in person, I would kill him myself and openly admit it.


17[scarlet hamster queen]

18[Kaito]eminem sucks and i wish he would just go away from us all any go sing to himself (because thats a punishment all on its own)

19[The Jesus Fetus]Slim Anus aint nothin but a bitch thang!

20[Sachiko]why he sux: He is a black white boy who wants to be black. He thinks he is cool because he always looks stoned, He made up the dumbshittiest name for his "band". baggy clothes don't make you cool all the time, and like another person said, talking reallly really fast and swearing a lot takes no real talent

21[Gone123456789] "...I'm sorry Mama, I never meant to cook you, I never meant to make you fry but tonight I'm cleaning out my skillet..."


23[Jamie Madrox6]


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2004-04-18 [RavenTalon]: I joined

2004-04-18 [Zacks Pixie Bitch]: lmao @ [RavenTalon] i wish u could too ! lol!

2004-04-21 [Lazyfox]: eminem rules u fuckers this is from me and [Mitsubishi Eclipse GSX]

2004-04-21 [Zacks Pixie Bitch]: What ever if he rules go suck cock with him bitches!

2004-04-25 [pixish]: I dont all sound as angry and all-hate as he does?

2004-04-25 [RavenTalon]: Well,he deserves it!!!

2004-04-26 [pixish]: he did not do anything to you :-S And how does it make you any better to use all those words and say that you think he should be dead?

2004-04-27 [RavenTalon]: I used nature!

2004-04-27 [lucetgirl]: Lil' jackbutt cant do nofink I hate feminem

2004-04-27 [RavenTalon]: lol

2004-04-28 [RavenTalon]: AND I'm not the one swearing,so there!

2004-04-30 [rvd_5*FS]: u all wanna suck eminems dick and ur jus scared u might like it

2004-04-30 [Lazyfox]: look im proud of wut i said so jus go fuck off

2004-04-30 [Lazyfox]: that wus from [Lazyfox] and [Mitsubishi Eclipse GSX]

2004-04-30 [Lazyfox]: hey i take back wut i said about u guys and gurls i really dont like eminem and thats the honest truth

2004-04-30 [RavenTalon]: lol it's okay...


2004-05-03 [Zacks Pixie Bitch]: what a dumb ass i fixed if u fuckin retard now.. go suck cock bitch

2004-05-03 [♥ Italian Women Can Get You in Trouble]: I think he is so gay, I mean he tries to be all fucking gangster and shit, and look at him and listen to his fucking music. He's so gay and such a prettyboy. So are a lot of guys that think they are worth all those clothes and shit. They're not. It's like, go feed those poor kids in the U.S. and help the world, because you sure as hell aren't that important. And another thing that pisses me off is that I save up money for those people and stars don't do that, you just see them looking fancy all the goddamn time.

2004-05-04 [RavenTalon]: Nirvana,shut ur ass.

2004-05-04 [♥ Italian Women Can Get You in Trouble]: hey guys we need a button on here--something that doesnt suck as bad as nirvanas--lolo that is horrible--what is that? paint??? lol   tell me how to upload it on here and i will make one on my computer at school, give me ideas!! ^_^

2004-05-05 [eminem_freak]: u all better believe me i know who all did it but since u blamin shit on me i aint sayin shit

2004-05-05 [♥ Italian Women Can Get You in Trouble]: hey! hey! you're fucking it up right now by having your stupid username on our page! get the fuck off and go listen to your prettyboy faggot!!

2004-05-05 [RavenTalon]: I don't think he did anything...At least he better not of...the town guards are just a click away...

2004-05-05 [♥ Italian Women Can Get You in Trouble]: o welli am not reporting to those guards... they can go screw a pole. lol jk but we dont need to "resort" to that

2004-05-05 [RavenTalon]: I hope they don't see what u just wrote...

2004-05-05 [Zacks Pixie Bitch]: LOL WOW but yea if yall no Ne one else who thinks eminem sucks just like tell them to message me and ill add them



2004-05-06 [Katie love Casey]: nirvana619 shut the fck up and leave us alone we don't give a shit who's who, and you lost, you can no longer mess the page up so quit trying and go do things normal 13 year olds do

2004-05-06 [♥ Italian Women Can Get You in Trouble]: nirvana do you realize that you are completely outnumbered by a posse of "homies"?? lolol loser get off the page you're a dumbass ... it makes me laugh.... lol

2004-05-07 [RavenTalon]: Hey!!I'm a 13 year old!Well...almost!But then again...I'm not normal!So nevermind lol!

2004-05-07 [Katie love Casey]: lol but u dont go around screwing up the pages that go against your opinion like a 5 year old now do u?

2004-05-08 [RavenTalon]: nope!

2004-05-08 [Katie love Casey]: theres the diference

2004-05-08 [RavenTalon]: ^-^

2004-05-08 [Katie love Casey]: = D

2004-05-08 [RavenTalon]: :)

2004-05-11 [♥ Italian Women Can Get You in Trouble]: aww!!! are you guys FLIRTING??!! ^_^

2004-05-13 [Katie love Casey]: two females flirtng? eww *pukes*

2004-05-15 [RavenTalon]: EWWW!NO U FREAK!We're friends!That's all!! And I have a boyfriend!

2004-05-15 [♥ Italian Women Can Get You in Trouble]: hey hey!! i know im a freak!! i have a boyfriend too lol

2004-05-16 [RavenTalon]: lol ^_^ Everyone says I'm too young...screw them!

2004-05-16 [♥ Italian Women Can Get You in Trouble]: too young for a bf? yeah me too lol but do i give a shit? NO!! lol ^_^

2004-05-17 [RavenTalon]: lol

2004-05-17 [♥ Italian Women Can Get You in Trouble]: why do you all hate eminem? gimme more reasons lol

2004-05-17 [RavenTalon]: Cause he's annoying...

2004-05-17 [♥ Italian Women Can Get You in Trouble]: yeah thats one come on guys gimme some more!!

2004-05-18 [Katie love Casey]: gr...he just...grrr!!! *rips him to shreds* hes spawning hundreds of wannabe gangsters. Seen the preveiw for the latest Dave Chapelle show? It features a white kid living in suburbia, saying "g-g-g-g-g-G unit!" to a black guy. The black guy then takes the kid down town and drops him off with a bunch of REAL gangsters and says "g-g-g-g-g-good bye!" that white kid is the kind of ganster wannabe eminem is making, who really don't know anything about how hard it is being a thug on the streets

2004-05-18 [RavenTalon]: eminem is a really bad example

2004-05-19 [♥ Italian Women Can Get You in Trouble]: lol yeah!! yeah i saw that it was funny!! omg i was laughing my ass off lol   yes he is a bad example but so is the icp -- so yeah well they are real "gangsters" (lol) instead of "fakies" lol

2004-05-19 [RavenTalon]: lol

2004-05-20 [crazy_juggalette]: ok... so let me get this straight, you hate emonem cause he's??????????? annoying, so is half the world, but no one has a wiki for that now do they?????... i'm wiht u, i really do despise eminem, but i don't think you guys really know what the hell you are talking about

2004-05-20 [♥ Italian Women Can Get You in Trouble]: who? i know what im talking about--shit...

2004-05-20 [RavenTalon]: lol...I have pictures!!!

2004-05-20 [♥ Italian Women Can Get You in Trouble]: ooh fun!! lol i will go look

2004-05-21 [RavenTalon]: k

2004-05-21 [916oiretsmy]: u know wut [Zacks Pixie Bitch]id like to burn in hell! but ya know its fuckin fun gettin a rise outta u

2004-05-21 [RavenTalon]: u want to burn in hell?wow that saves us a lot of effort...go right ahead...

2004-05-21 [♥ Italian Women Can Get You in Trouble]: lolol lolol lmfao good one raven couldn't have said it better lol

2004-05-21 [RavenTalon]: lol Thanx:)

2004-05-21 [Zacks Pixie Bitch]: ahhhh mutha fucker stay outta hell my bf rules it and its my home land ...damn stay tha fuck outta it !!! Grrrr and i dont just hate eminem cuz hes annoying yes..thats one of the reason but hes also a fuckin fag whom cant rap worth a shit he doesnt no what the fuck hes doin he must die i hate him there are so many fuckin reason i hate him it just pisses me of even more that hes alive and to all of u 619 peepole or whatever u no ur hate mail doesnt hurt me actually i LOVE It i enjoy hate mail...and i love it when people hate me it makes me feel great lol so ..thanks..i guess

2004-05-21 [RavenTalon]: lol

2004-05-22 [♥ Italian Women Can Get You in Trouble]: YEAYAAH!! YEAH ROCK ON!!

2004-05-22 [RavenTalon]: Wow,sounds like me

2004-05-22 [♥ Italian Women Can Get You in Trouble]: what sounds like you?

2004-05-22 [RavenTalon]: ROCK ON!!!

2004-05-23 [♥ Italian Women Can Get You in Trouble]: lol yeah lol

2004-05-23 [RavenTalon]: lol

2004-05-23 [Zacks Pixie Bitch]: Hmmm Grrr we need more members cume on everyone get more peepole to join!!!!

2004-05-24 [RavenTalon]: lol

2004-05-24 [~Galadriel~]: Hey you people are so fucking right feminem (SlimAnus) does suck the dick off, and there is nothing better than a wiki explaining just HOW MUCH... You know who else needs to fucking die (Avril Lavigne) I can't stand that stupid fucking buck-teeth poser. I just want to stab her in the eye...

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